About Steffen Kern

ConTrans is the freelance translator Steffen Kern.

  • Since March 2008 working as freelance Translator
  • Sept. 07-Feb. 08 Internship as Translator at Kern AG
  • 2003-2006 Studies at Würzburger Dolmetscherschule (Würzburg interpreter school),

Degree as staatlich geprüfter Übersetzer und Dolmetscher (state certified translator and interpreter)

Additionally I have professional experience in mechanical and plant engineering.
To me, continuing education is a duty, e. g. through specialised literature, attending trade fairs, seminars, university lectures and MOOCs.

I have also translated multiple non-fiction books about architecture. Find out more about them here: https://www.randomhouse.de/Autor/Steffen-Kern/p635469.rhd